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Announcement for International Students’ Thesis Proposal & Midterm Review

2021年06月11日 16:50  点击:[]


The conference for International doctoral students who enrolled in 2019 thesis proposal will be held on Jun.23. The relevant students should prepare your PowerPoint presentation for the review meeting. Forms of “Master’s and Doctorate Candidates’ Report on Laboratory Safety Risk Assessment for Thesis Proposal and Mid-term Evaluation”, “Topic selection report of doctoral degree thesis”, and “PhD Student Interim Progress Report”please send to Ms. Zhang at email box zhangjiao55@xjtu.edu.cn by Jun. 22.  


The midterm review will include three sections – introduction statement, answering teachers’ questions, and committee reviews. Each student has 20 minutes.


For Details:


5-8001, Hanying Building, The Harbour Campus


June 23, Wednesday 8:00am-6:00pm (Beijing Time)


The sequence will be posted in your class group later on




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